
Guide: Allowing Movement While Handcuffed (FiveM)

Handcuffing players is a critical feature in role-play scenarios for both QBCore and ESX Police Job frameworks in FiveM. Sometimes, you may want to allow players to move while handcuffed while restricting specific controls to maintain realism. This guide explains how to achieve this for both QBCore and ESX.

Just a heads up: We updated this tutorial in November 2024.

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For QBCore Framework (& QBOX)

Step 1: Locate the Handcuffing Code

In QBCore, handcuffing is typically handled in the police job script or a separate utility script for player interactions. Locate the relevant code for handcuffing, which often looks like this:

TaskPlayAnim(playerPed, 'mp_arresting', 'idle', 8.0, -8, -1, 49, 0, 0, 0, 0)
SetEnableHandcuffs(playerPed, true)
FreezeEntityPosition(playerPed, true)

Step 2: Enable Movement When Handcuffed

Modify the line that freezes the player’s position:


luaCode kopierenFreezeEntityPosition(playerPed, true)


FreezeEntityPosition(playerPed, false)

This change allows the player to move while handcuffed. Your updated code should now look like this:

TaskPlayAnim(playerPed, 'mp_arresting', 'idle', 8.0, -8, -1, 49, 0, 0, 0, 0)
SetEnableHandcuffs(playerPed, true)
FreezeEntityPosition(playerPed, false)

Step 3: Restrict Specific Actions

To restrict specific actions like attacking or shooting, add the following code:

while true do
if IsHandcuffed then
DisableControlAction(0, 24, true) -- Attack
DisableControlAction(0, 25, true) -- Aim
DisableControlAction(0, 142, true) -- MeleeAttackAlternate
DisableControlAction(0, 75, true) -- Leave Vehicle
DisableControlAction(0, 92, true) -- Shoot in vehicle

Replace with the appropriate variable or function used in your script to check if the player is handcuffed.IsHandcuffed

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For ESX Framework

Step 1: Locate the Handcuffing Code

In ESX, handcuffing behavior is typically defined in . Look for code similar to the following:esx_policejob/client/main.lua

luaCode kopierenTaskPlayAnim(playerPed, 'mp_arresting', 'idle', 8.0, -8, -1, 49, 0, 0, 0, 0)
SetEnableHandcuffs(playerPed, true)
SetPedCanPlayGestureAnims(playerPed, false)
FreezeEntityPosition(playerPed, true)

Step 2: Enable Movement When Handcuffed

Modify the function:FreezeEntityPosition


FreezeEntityPosition(playerPed, true)


FreezeEntityPosition(playerPed, false)

The modified code should now look like this:

TaskPlayAnim(playerPed, 'mp_arresting', 'idle', 8.0, -8, -1, 49, 0, 0, 0, 0)
SetEnableHandcuffs(playerPed, true)
SetPedCanPlayGestureAnims(playerPed, false)
FreezeEntityPosition(playerPed, false)

Step 3: Restrict Specific Actions

Add the following thread to restrict actions while handcuffed:

luaCode kopierenCitizen.CreateThread(function()
    while true do
        if IsHandcuffed then
            DisableControlAction(0, 142, true) -- MeleeAttackAlternate
            DisableControlAction(0, 30, true)  -- MoveLeftRight
            DisableControlAction(0, 31, true)  -- MoveUpDown
            DisableControlAction(0, 24, true)  -- Shoot
            DisableControlAction(0, 92, true)  -- Shoot in car
            DisableControlAction(0, 75, true)  -- Leave Vehicle

Replace with the corresponding variable or function used in your ESX script.IsHandcuffed

For vRP

Step 1: Locate the Handcuffing Code

In vRP, handcuffing is usually managed in the file or in a custom resource if your server has customized scripts. Look for code that controls player animations and behaviors when handcuffed.vrp/modules/police.lua

The relevant part typically looks like this:

vRPclient.playAnim(player, {true, {{"mp_arresting", "idle"}}, true})
vRPclient.setHandcuffed(player, true)
vRPclient.setFreeze(player, true)

Step 2: Enable Movement While Handcuffed

To allow movement while handcuffed, modify the freezing behavior. Replace the following line:


vRPclient.setFreeze(player, true)


vRPclient.setFreeze(player, false)

The updated code should now look like this:

vRPclient.playAnim(player, {true, {{"mp_arresting", "idle"}}, true})
vRPclient.setHandcuffed(player, true)
vRPclient.setFreeze(player, false)

Step 3: Restrict Specific Actions

To maintain realism, you can disable certain controls while the player is handcuffed. Add a new client-side script or modify an existing one to include the following code:

while true do
if IsHandcuffed then
DisableControlAction(0, 24, true) -- Attack
DisableControlAction(0, 25, true) -- Aim
DisableControlAction(0, 142, true) -- MeleeAttackAlternate
DisableControlAction(0, 75, true) -- Leave Vehicle
DisableControlAction(0, 92, true) -- Shoot in vehicle
DisableControlAction(0, 30, true) -- Move Left/Right
DisableControlAction(0, 31, true) -- Move Up/Down

Linking the Handcuffed Status

In vRP, the variable needs to be linked to the player’s handcuffed status. Update your script to synchronize the handcuff state. For example:IsHandcuffedvRPclient

local IsHandcuffed = false

AddEventHandler('vrp:handcuff', function(status)
IsHandcuffed = status

Trigger this event when a player is handcuffed or uncuffed in your server-side script.

Final Notes

  • Ensure that you test the modified scripts on your server to verify they work as intended.
  • Use proper variables and functions for checking if a player is handcuffed ( is a placeholder in this guide).IsHandcuffed
  • Tailor the calls based on your server’s role-play needs.DisableControlAction
  • This guide enhances immersion by allowing movement while keeping controls realistically limited.

By following this guide, you can enable movement for handcuffed players in both QBCore and ESX frameworks while maintaining control over their actions, leading to a more engaging role-playing experience.

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