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Admin Tools & More

Daily Lucky Wheel

Original price was: $22.00.Current price is: $15.00.

Izzy – Admin Menu

Original price was: $66.00.Current price is: $33.00.

Weather & Time Syste

Original price was: $33.00.Current price is: $15.00.

This script is a standalone solution that doesn’t require any external frameworks. (Works with ESX/QBCore)


  • Time and Weather Control: Create customizable regions on your map, such as areas that are permanently snowy or always night.
  • Real-Time Sync: Synchronize in-game time with real-world time, set by default to Los Angeles. This can be adjusted for other cities and time zones via the configuration file.
  • Adjustable Regions: Easily configure specific areas on the map with the region creation tool (/area_tool). Customize time, weather, and more within these regions.
  • Temperature Effects: Enable or disable dynamic chilling and sweating properties based on weather and clothing. Note: This feature requires manual configuration as clothing sets vary across servers. Disable it if unnecessary.
  • Freeze Options: Includes features for freezing time, weather, and activating blackout conditions.
  • User-Friendly Interface: The script features a clean UI, accessible with the /time command. If the UI doesn’t load, ensure the script is named "0r-easytime".

WX AntiCheat

Original price was: $69.00.Current price is: $29.00.
  • :computer: Admin Menu – WX AntiCheat includes beautiful, optimized and most importantly function admin menu created with HTML, TailwindCSS and JS
  • :zap:Optimization – WX AntiCheat is extremely optimised and uses maximum of 0.02ms on resmon! (This value depends on player count and/or your server’s hardware)
  • :tv: On-Screen-Menu (OCR) Detection – Detects suspicious text on player’s screen, like mod menus)
  • :camera_flash: Discord logs with screenshots
  • :floppy_disk: HWID Bans
  • :exclamation: 3 punish options – [LOG – KICK – BAN]
  • :symbols: Locale file (Translate into your own language)
  • :capital_abcd: Large config file (~900 lines)
  • :cd: Bans are saved into MySQL database – You don’t have to worry about a lost .json or .txt file containing all your banned players!
  • :electric_plug:STANDALONE – WX AntiCheat doesn’t rely on ANY framework!
  • :green_book: Documentation included! – After purchasing, you will also receive a documentation that explains everything you need to know, including examples, troubleshooting section and more!